Judi has been highly successful working with teenagers on weight and body image issues. Here is a letter from the mother of a 17 year old client.
Hi, Judi! I wanted to give you some feedback on my perceptions of the "It's Easy Eating!"tm program and your work to-date with my teenage daughter, Margaret. After only about 4-5 weeks, we see such a difference in Margaret. She has become a thought leader on good eating in our household. I also notice that she really enjoys working with you- she is taking responsibility for following your direction. That is no small feat when one works with teenagers. She is also very happy with the results to-date. She is seeing the benefits of good eating and regular exercise and is feeling very good about all this.
Thank you for your kind but serious approach with her. We will likely renew for three more months once the first session ends since she is making such strides and wants to continue doing so! Thank you again.